High School Media Day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14th for TCNE wrestling and basketball.
Emerson-Hubbard FBLA chapter is offering winter sports pictures, memory mates & buttons. Proceeds will go to supporting the chapter and aid in paying for local, state, and national competitions.
Items will be delivered to the appropriate school building. Button pins will be ready within approximately 1 week. Digital files will be emailed within approximately 1 week to the email address supplied on this order form. Physical photo prints will take approximately 2-3 weeks to provide processing/shipping time from the professional print lab and the Thanksgiving holiday.
Orders and exact payment are due at the time of pictures. Checks payable to EH Schools.
If you have any questions, please contact Juanita Wilcox at jwilcox@ehpirates.org or 402-695-2636.
Click here to print an order form.