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An exciting opportunity for area students...

Nebraska SMART is a FREE virtual tutoring program for students in grades K-12. Teacher education candidates from Chadron State, Peru State, and Wayne State Colleges remotely tutor students in Educational Service Units 1, 4, and 13 through an online tutoring platform. This program is made possible by a Nebraska Department of Education grant awarded to the Nebraska State College System to launch a rural tutoring program.

Nebraska SMART’s official launch date to tutor students in grades K-12 is February 5, 2024. Tutoring hours are 3:30-6:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

The Nebraska SMART Video can be viewed for more information.

The Parent Guide provides steps for parents to register their child(ren), schedule a session, request on-demand tutoring, and more.

Parents who wish to gain access to tutoring must register their child(ren) by visiting