Checkpoint achieved! The 1st winner of the Book Blast Treasure Chest is Maxon Mitchell! Congratulations! More treasure awaits ahead…. If you haven’t yet, register and enter contact info for 10+ people to support your adventurer’s home library and for the chance to unlock the next Treasure Chest: #readingadventure #literacymatters #booksaretreasure #BooksAreFun
about 9 hours ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
treasure chest winner
treasure chest winners
The Emerson-Hubbard Book Blast is in full swing! Please help our school reach their goal of EVERY student taking home all 10 books! **If you don’t know a student at the school or don’t receive an invitation to contribute, but you’d still like to help all students at E-H Elementary School take home more books, you can contribute at: by Friday, March 21, 2025. OR you can drop off donations (cash or check made payable to EH Schools) to the elementary office. If you have any questions contact Mrs. Dawn Oswald, Library Media Specialist at Thank you in advance for helping build our students’ home libraries!
about 10 hours ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
book blast
Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools is currently accepting sealed bids for a 2015 Chrysler Town and Country van. Bids are being accepted until Tuesday, April 8, 2025. Mail sealed bids to: Dale Martin, E-H Superintendent P.O. Box 9 Emerson, Nebraska 68733 OR drop off in person to the superintendent's office at 109 W. 3rd Street, Emerson. The van has 224,432 miles and the transmission needs replaced. If you have any additional questions about the vehicle you can contact Mick Duncan at 712-251-3425 or
about 13 hours ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
Reminder: There is NO School tomorrow, Friday, March 14th. Enjoy the day off! See you Monday!
about 17 hours ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
no school
Wow - our Book Blast is off to a great start! Congratulations to 3rd Grader, Lana Schultz, for winning our first drawing prize: the Epic Treasure Chest! Our quest to level up our readers has never been so much fun! We’re blasting through our adventure to earn as many books as possible for our students. Register now and invite 10+ contacts to be entered into the drawings for our Treasure Chests!  If you receive any contributions by check (payable to EH Schools) or cash you can bring them to the office or to Mrs. Oswald and she will add them to your Book Blast account until Friday, March 21st. ​#booksarefun #bookraiser #bookblastadventures #epictreasurechest #treasure @go.booksarefun
1 day ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
treasure chest winner
We are excited to announce that Mr. Mike Donahue will be visiting Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools for two special assemblies at the high school on Monday afternoon, March 24th. Grades 5-8 Assembly: 1:00 p.m. Grades 9-12 Assembly: 2:30 p.m. These assemblies are open to all community members and parents, and we encourage you to join us in welcoming Mr. Donahue! We look forward to an engaging and inspiring afternoon. Mike Donahue is the founder and director of Value Up, an Omaha Nebraska based motivational company that focuses on positive school culture. He has spoken to over a million students throughout the last three decades in live settings. He has worked with young people all over the world including the United States, Asia, South America, and Europe. Mike has authored four books: Reinventing My Normal, Hidden Scars, Talking to Brick Walls, and his latest book, Value Up. He is a highly sought-after speaker and one of the best about respect, bullying, resiliency, and other school climate issues. His candid style and authentic persona keep students engaged throughout the entire presentation and leaves them inspired. After partnering with thousands of schools and speaking/listening to educators and students, Mike has come to understand that so many teen issues are directly related to how students view themselves. If a student believes they have high intrinsic value and identify with that high value, they make life choices that match their perceived value identity. Students who value and respect themselves make positive life choices and show greater value and respect to others. Value Up was created to amplify value in every student, resulting in strengthening a positive school culture.
1 day ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
Mike Donahue assemblies @ Emerson-Hubbard High School on March 24th at 1:00 and 2:30 p.m.
ATTENTION: We are giving away an Epic Treasure Chest tomorrow full of awesome prizes! Act now! Simply invite 10+ friends and family members TONIGHT to support our Book Blast and your student will have a chance to win. Don't miss this epic opportunity! If you haven’t already, register here: In less than 24 hours we already have 68% participation! We are hoping ALL of our classrooms can get 90%+ participation to earn shopping sprees for their classrooms! ​#bookblastadventures #literacymatters #booksarefun #bookblast @go.booksarefun ATENCIÓN: ¡Mañana regalaremos un Cofre del Tesoro Épico lleno de premios increíbles! ¡Actúa ahora! Simplemente invita a 10+ amigos y familiares ESTA NOCHE para apoyar nuestro Book Blast y tu estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de ganar. ¡No te pierdas esta valiosa oportunidad! Si aún no lo has hecho, regístrate aquí:
2 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
Epic Treasure Chest Prizes
Book Blast begins today! All you have to do is invite 10+ friends and family members to earn some awesome prizes and a chance to win one of our Treasure Chests or an Epic Treasure Chest! Visit: and unlock treasure. It takes just 7 minutes TONIGHT. #BookBlast #UnlockTheTreasure. The first 50 to register and invite 10+ friends and family members will receive their treasure map prizes the very next day! Any student who qualifies after that will still receive the prizes after the event with their books. #bookblastadventures #booksarefun ¡Comienza la Book Blast hoy! Dedica 7 minutos esta noche a completar el Mapa del Tesoro para ganar increíbles recompensas, participar en sorteos de premios y comenzar a construir tu biblioteca en casa. ¡Invita a 10+ amigos y familiares para obtener tus recompensas y la oportunidad de ganar uno de los cuatro Cofres del Tesoro o un Cofre del Tesoro Épico! Visita ¡y desbloquea tu tesoro! Los primeros 50 en registrarse y 10+ amigos y familiares recibirán las recompensas al día siguiente. Cualquier estudiante que califique después recibirá igualmente las recompensas después del evento.
3 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
book blast
Support our TeamMates chapter by purchasing one of our on hand shirts! Contact Mrs. Braun at to purchase one.
3 days ago, Tessa Ives
Good luck to our Wolfpack Speech team at the Lewis & Clark Conference Meet at Homer High School today!
4 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
speech meet at homer
Reminder to elementary... It's Read Across America Day (postponed from Friday). Wear your red, white, and /or blue today! 🇺🇸 Book Blast launch is today! Information will be coming home with students.
4 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
read across America
It may be a snow day, but Preschool is ready to fly kites! 🪁 Bring Spring! 🌼 Kk is for Kites! Preschool did a color by number ALL BY THEMSELVES! They can check the color wall for help as they work independently!
6 days ago, Kristi Nelson
Due to weather conditions, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, March 7th.
7 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
No School tomorrow, Friday, March 7 at Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
3rd grade sure had a ‘picture perfect’ day today! Thanks Mrs. Oswald for the yummy treats 🤪
7 days ago, Sydni Hughes
Today is "Reading is PICTURE PERFECT!" Wear your best Spring Picture Day outfit and SMILE! 📸 You could add your socks from yesterday's snow day if you want to...they won't show up in the picture. 😄
8 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
reading is picture perfect
Due to the weather conditions, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5th.
9 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
No School tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5 at Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
A big shout out to all of our students who took their time, did their best and made significant increases in their MAP scores this winter. Grades K-2 completed MAP Growth testing in December and grades 3-5 completed it in February. Here are the 2024-25 Elementary Outstanding Winter MAP Growth Scores (80%ile or higher).
9 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
2024-25 Elementary Outstanding Winter MAP Scores (80%ile or higher)
Our TCNE Wolfpack Senior athletes are looking forward to an exciting and competitive Spring sports season! L to R: Gabe Olesen (Golf), Bryan Isom (Track & Field), Bre Millard (Track & Field), Jackson Belt (Track & Field), Mica Tornez (Track & Field), Devon Lewellen (Track & Field), Ben Jorgensen (Golf)
10 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
spring senior athletes
Due to predicted incoming winter weather, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools will have a 2:00 P.M. early dismissal today, Tuesday, March 4th.
10 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
early dismissal 2 PM
Congratulations to our Energy Bus Students of the Week for February 24, 2025!
10 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
Energy Bus Students of the Week - February 17, 2025!