The Pirate Store was open again today at the elementary school. We had lots of customers and have practically sold out again. We want to thank the New To You store for the support they have given the Title 1 teachers to be able to supply the store. Keep on reading. We will be open one more time this year.
almost 4 years ago, Deb Relitz
Today was the day for Mr. Nielsen to eat worms for the Title 1 family engagement activity. He went to every class to eat a worm. Yes they were real worms. He said they didn’t taste that bad. What a good sport to encourage reading. We are are in discussion for next years family book and what the principal will eat. Stay tuned.
almost 4 years ago, Deb Relitz
The Tri County Northeast Track Store is Open (Closes 3/11/21). Get your Wolfpack Gear!
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard Schools
FFA Week Recap
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard FFA
Congratulations to these E-H Elementary students on making Pirate Crew last week by working hard and showing character in and out of the classroom! Way to go!
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
Pirate Crew: Week of February 22, 2021
School Calendar Reminder: Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools has a 1:30 Dismissal this Wednesday, March 3rd and No School on Thursday and Friday, March 4th and 5th.
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
School Calendar Reminder
Reminder: Here are the dress up days this week at the elementary for Read Across America Week!
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
Reading Across America Week
MS Steam have been building, testing, and adjusting their pasta cars the last two weeks. They rolled them down the ramp yesterday to see whose car would go the farthest.
almost 4 years ago, Janelle Nielsen
After some changes it was able to go down the ramp with out spaghetti breaking
All of the cars right before the final run
A lot of details on this car
Pasta cars
5th grade used the A and T (art and technology) in STEAM today while doing Stop Motion Photography! Can’t wait to see their finished videos!
almost 4 years ago, Jenna McAfee
Some students worked together on their characters!
starting process of one video!
Thank you to the Emerson-Hubbard FFA for giving some mini lessons and talking to the elementary students about FFA this morning.
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
FFA Week 2021
Are You Ready to Rumble?!?! Please sign-up for this year's Battle Night with Mrs. Millard or Mrs. Wilcox asap; they will need your $5 and shirt size when you sign-up.
almost 4 years ago, Traci Millard
battle night
Seniors, do not forget to continue to work on your Enhancement Scholarships. They are due this Friday by 4 pm!
almost 4 years ago, Lacey Matthews
Sophomores-Seniors do not forget to get your NHS applications in by Monday, March 1st! See Ms. Matthews if you have any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Lacey Matthews
Happy National FFA Week!
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard FFA
Tri County Northeast Wolfpack boys basketball advanced on in sub-districts and will play BRLD tonight (2/23) in Lyons starting at 5:30. You do not need a ticket to get into the game. You must wear a mask and social distance. The game will be live streaming:
almost 4 years ago, Doug Mackling
First graders were busy building snowmen ⛄️ and structures today.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Sebade
Building away
We went through a lot of toothpicks!
Don't forget to preorder your 2020-2021 yearbook for the low price of $35! Yearbooks can be paid for with a check or cash.
almost 4 years ago, Rebecca Barber
Yearbook Sale Flier 3
Congratulations to these E-H Elementary students on making Pirate Crew last week by working hard and showing character in and out of the classroom! Way to go!
almost 4 years ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
Pirate Crew: Week of February 15th, 2021
Tonight's Wolfpack basketball game @ 7pm will be available online to watch:
almost 4 years ago, Doug Mackling
Emerson-Hubbard Elementary Parents and Students, we are on our final week of reading How to Eat Fried Worms! Billy got the 13th worm down in the final seconds of the day,will he get worm 14 and 15 down? Or will Alan and Joe outsmart him? $50 is on the line, who will win the bet!?
almost 4 years ago, Carly Roeber
How to Eat Fried Worms